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Monday, February 4, 2008


I wasn't rooting for one specific team last night in the Super Bowl but I guess I can give the Giants a little congratulations! The NFC prevailed this year!!! Watch out NFL... Chicago Bears Super Bowl Champs 2009!! When the Bears get a consistant Quarterback... like Kyle Ortan whom just happens to have a like a 13-5 record as a starter. So just a little heads up to all you AFC fans... WATCH OUT FOR DA BEARS!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Can anyone say... SNOW DAY!!! haha wow i feel like im in elementary school again!!! haha! :D oh well at least i dont have school! yay!!! basketball game tomorrow at Concord at 6:15... Be There!!! we need a good amount of people to support the team!!! STUDENT SECTION!!!!! fill that thing up!!!! trust me it gets the team pumped when you all show up!!!!!! ok well i hope you see you at the game!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!
