My Blog Navigator

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My Head is cold now that I have no hair to keep it warm!!! haha!! oh well! i think im gonna put the word scooter in here cuz i just read it for the example labels and it made me smile and think of when Hoss and I use to go scootering and be gone for like forever!!!! YA!!! Great memories!!! I tell you what that kid and I have so many memories that it isn't even funny!! well it is now that i think about it and half of them noone else would laugh at cept us cuz were weird like that! haha!!! Hoss is like the Best BestFriend that you could ever ask for!! if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be where i was today!! I would have Never worked at the Church, I would have never gone on NYGO, which in fact i would have never met Lyssa in which i might not have ever met Lori! I credit that kid to alot in my life and i own him that much and more!! He has been like a Brother to me and I just wanna thank him!! Well i think im gonna go! i will post you all later!!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I just got home from running the Kelsey Mikel I'm Thankful Four Run and I finished it in about 33-34 minutes! That is the first time that I have ever ran more than 3 miles and I am Tired!!!!! Oh well though it is all for a good cause!!!! I think I 'm gonna go shower and then I'm gonna go eat some turkeyturkey!!! yay!!!! Ight well I'll Post you guys later!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hair Cut

Umm well I decided that I needed a hair cut so I talked to Brandon Williams and he said that he would give me a hair cut and so after pratice I came over and got my hair cut!! I went from like a 8-9 to a 1 and I like how it feels!!!! I get to run four miles tomorrow to support the Kelsey Mikel I'm Thankful Four mile run!!! We are going to run it as a basketball team!!! It will be good!!! Then I get a family Thanksgiving and then I go to Lori's house for a Thanksgiving dinner there too!!! Well I should go to sleep since I have to be up in like 6 hours to get ready to run!!!!! I'll Post you guys later!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Free Rice

This is the vocab game that every time you get a word right you donate 10 grains of rice! But don't worry you don't pay for anything!! There are sponsors and all you do is play and help feed hungry and starving people!! Well I'll post you guys later!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!



I just got home from pratice not too long ago and we did a bunch of drill conditioning and I AM DEAD!!!!! I don't know if I have been this tired in a long time!!! I am really happy because tomorrow is that last day for school this week and then we have a 4 day weekend!! yay!!! It is AWESOME!!!!!! Well I'm gonna go get something to eat! I'll post you guys later!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!


Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Night!

It is Friday Night and I just got out of pratice not too long ago. Lori's gonna come over for awhile since I don't get to see her tomorrow. We have a Basketball schrimiage tomorrow morning at Twin Lakes by Montacello by Indiana Beach. It'll be the first time that we play as a team against someone else beside ourselves! I'm excited! Tonights pratice was all good until like 20 minutes left in pratice and Titus's sholder under my jaw and I chipped a few of my teeth but it's all good! It's basketball and it is a contact sport and well it isn't the first time that I have chipped a tooth so ya! Next week is Thanksgiving already! I can hardly believe it!!! I feel like just yesterday that we were at 2-a-days but now were only weeks away from basketball kick off! It is EXCITING!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! YA!!! oh ya I was gonna tell you about my feet! I have HORRIBLE blisters on my feet!! and the Trainer cut them off and trimmed my calases so my feet are sore beyond all belief but my mouth hurts more now!! I'll try to get you guys pictures soon! Well I'm gonna go get a lil something to eat and drink cuz I'm parched! I'll post yall later!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!

Coffee Anyone?

So I got up at 6:30 this morning and I went and took a shower and bandaged up my holes in my feet (I'll tell you all bout that later). Then I get my stuff around and get in my car and head up to the Coffee shop for a small group thing with Derry, Brandon, and Reid. I leave my house at 6:56 and get there about 6:58ish and I walk in and well of course there was no one in there. So I sat waiting for awhile and 7:05 came around and I said OK well I'll just get something to eat while I'm waiting, I got a double hot chocolate and a chocolate chip scone. I finish eating and still no one was there, it was 7:20. So I said to myself, Looks like Boo forgot to call me. So I came home drank a glass of water and now I am telling you about this. So I guess we are going to have our small group after school. Alright I'm gonna get ready to leave for school this time! Talk to all yall later!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Basketball and Rice

Basketball was actually really good tonight! Even after that pizza hut for lunch!! haha! I actually shot better today than I have in a really really long time!! I hit 15 freethrows in a row and then I was making alot of other shots I don't normally make so it was a great pratice!!!! ya! Well I was watchin TV after supper tonight and I was watching the news and I saw that thing on the rice thingy and I was really moved by those peoples passion and how they were ready to move into action and not to be afraid of what people might think or say!! I know that it really wasn't that big of a move or action but in all truth and reality it was and I saw compassion and even a glimps of Jesus in that guy who started the vocab rice donation game! He is really doing to the "least of these" like what Jesus said. This guy and everyone who is participating in this is honestly showing more compassion in one movement than what some people show in a lifetime and I truly admire that!! Well that is all that I have for now! I will Post Yall lata!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!

Hey Everybody!!! I just got home from the Pizza Hut with Hoss for a lil buffet!!! I Saw the Simpson and Gillard there along with Griggsy, Brian, Ben, and Robby. Oh ya and the Schrock-n-ator!!!! I've got pratice in bout 2hours and hopefully the pizza will sit well!!! Ight well I'm gonna try to get a lil homework done b4 pratice!! I'll post yall lata!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!
