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Thursday, March 20, 2008


So it is about 145 and i am still up because i have to take notes for my biblical litrature class!!!! i love the class but i dont like the 20 pages of reading and note taking!!! it gets on my last nerve very easily!!! and the fact that it is ncaa tourney time too doesn't help the fact of the matter at all. I would take some notes get frusterated and then watch a lil ball and then take some notes and then watch some ball... so on and so forth!! the reason im on here now is cuz my brain hurts im thinking about going to bed for an hour or two and then getting up and trying to finish my notes. this is/has been a not so enjoyable experience! i had a 20 oz dr pepper at work and then had 3 cans of cherry coke when i got home. so yeah a lot of caffinee has been consumed tonight too!! ok well im going to bed and will get up in a few hours to finish my homework!! i hope this kind of situation never happens again but i can almost guarentee that it will!! ok till post u later! byebye and God Bless!!!!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my recent fav

well recently the hoss and i have been playing a lil game called AOE 2, Age Of Empires 2, it is a blast for you computer gamers out there! you build up your empire and you battle other empires and you collect resourses and create people weather they are townspeople or military! this game may sound lame but it is very addictive!!!! it is a great add to the computer game archive!! ok well ill post you all later!! ByeBye and God bless!!!!

-Carter Bob

Im Back

so it has been exactly one month since my last post and i have thought about it and well I am back!!!! :) oh yes I AM BACK!!!! :) so now that basketball and that stuff is over and work begins so well i have some time to blog about my thoughts and my other things i guess! :) so well it you have any ideas for things for me to do or anything just let me know!!! :) ok well ill post you all later!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!!

-Carter Bob