My Blog Navigator

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Ok so i have come back to the blogging world after my extended time off... this has given me time to think and assess things... and i have come to conclude these things...

  • High School is drama
  • Basketball is more fun in intermurals
  • The Dark Knight is the best movie ever
  • Eating at McDonalds after a home basketball game is a bad idea
  • Austin has WAYYYYYY to much time on his hands to blogg
  • People don't take me seriously... most of the time
  • Digsby is the best messenger
  • Rappelz is a black hole
  • Anberlin is the best band
  • Ping pong is under rated
  • Austin's blog is over rated
  • Pecan pie is the greatest pie
  • Caroline Blue is the new black
  • The Bears still suck even when Grossman doesn't play
  • Derry is funny
  • HP has the best tech support
  • And people need to keep Christ in CHRISTMAS!

So now that i have officially quit the basketball team this year, and by the way it looks not a moment too soon. I will be blogging a lot more now so you can count on more posts, more facts, more pics, more news, more bashing austin, and more fun! :) but until that time comes i will be sitting here! ill cya around. ByeBye and God Bless!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Good Grief!!! Gas prices are now at $3.75!!! HOLY GOUGEMENT BATMAN!!!!! These prices are making me crazy!!!! And I am gonna go broke!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! The Government could lower the prices but noooooo, lets make the nice people of America pay out the wazoo for gas!!! ARGH!! Do you know what we should do? Make a car that runs on our resource that we will never lose, Water. Due to contrary belief with the environmentalists saying that we are running out of water... uh no! The same amount of water here now is the same amount that was here when GOD created earth!!!!!!! The HYDRO CAR... HELLO?? Water runs through a cycle and IT STAYS HERE!!!!! wow... Ok well I'm getting off of my soap box now... That is about all I have for now, I'll talk to you guys later!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!

-Carter Bob

Friday, April 18, 2008

Another New Addition

I added Carter Bob's Movie Talk to the new pages... there will soon be a Carter Bob's Music Talk, Carter Bob's Game Talk , and an all video Carter Bob's Video Blogs. so yes there are going to be more blog additions to the Carter Bob Blog Spot. But until then... ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!

-Carter Bob

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Addition

I added a new section to the Carter Bob Blog... The Carter Bob Sport's Talk!! There is a link to it on the right side of the blog navigation. So check it out sometime... There will be more additions to blog including a section about Movies and Music and if you have anyother ideas let me know and I might concider them!! thanks a bunch!! ttul!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!

-Carter Bob

Sunday, April 13, 2008

amazing find!

i found out today that the Nintendo Wii will be getting a new game in june!!! it is... ROCK BAND!! i am excited!!!!!
you gonna buy it??
haha byebye and God Bless!!!!

-Carter Bob

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Break 08

So this Spring Break has been interesting! I guess I could leave it at that but I'm not going to, because it would be pointless for me even to get on here to post this then but it has been interesting!!!

Ok so my Spring Break started on, well depending on how you look at it, Saturday. I spent 9 and a half hours at work, from 1 till 10:30! So I was like, this is going to be a great Spring Break. But things started to get better.

On Sunday I went to church like a normal Sunday and then I hung out with Hoss for awhile and watched a movie, but I will get into that a little later, but then we had Small Groups so we went to it. After Small Groups I back to Hoss's house and stayed for the night and we recorded and added a new song to and then went to bed.

On Monday, one of my few days off, we got up and did a few things but then we went to Target and both bought some new movies and then when we got back had some frozen pizza and we watched one of the movies we bought. We watched some tv and I stayed there again on Monday night.

On Tuesday, another one of my days off, Hoss had to paint his new room, cuz his brother is now married and moved 0ut, and he had a date, so I borrowed some movies and went home and watched them. I will tell you about the movies a little bit later.

On Wednesday, I had to work, I went in about 9ish and worked till about 1:30 and then I stayed at the church and I helped out in Student Ministries. But I couldn't help myself but to play a few pratical jokes! :) Well we had Chili for supper, I didn't eat lunch, and then for Youth we watched a movie, if you haven't figured it out yet there is a pattern here. But then after Youth I went to my buddy Chunks apartment to play Halo 3 with him and Ben Russell. I got home about 12:30 ish and then I went to bed.

On Thursday, I again had to work, I got up at a nice 8:15 for the second day in a row and then went to work. I got to work with Dustin Gill, who is a really cool guy! For lunch we, Dustin and Hoss and Preston Edwards and myself, went to Taco Bell and brought it back to the church to watch The Office while we were eating. I love that show!! After that Dustin and I went back to work. We did our set ups and then we called it a day at about 5 ish and then I stayed and talked for about an hour. After that I went home and ate some sandwhiches for supper. Not too long after that Hoss gave me a text telling me he was going to rent a movie if I wanted to come watch it with him, again if you haven't figured it out... you may need help. After I got done watching that I came home cuz I have to be at work at 8 in the morning, yes I am now typing in present tense! :)

So yes I do have to go into work at 8 in the morning and work for the third day, fourth if you count Saturday, on my SB. Oh well... I will let you all know what I do tomorrow and on Saturday and Sunday. ok? ok...

:) now for what you all have been waiting for, the movies...
I saw Live Free or Die Hard, Hoss bought Pearl Harbor and Scary Movie 2 and we watched both, I bought Die Hard 1,2,3 and we watched 1, I watched American Gangster, Unbreakable, Transformers, Johnny English, and Evan Almighty. I know it's a bunch!! I would like to call Spring Break 2008- The Movie Catch Up Break... I will give you reviews on each of the movies as time comes... but for now I am off to bed because I have to be at work at 8 in the morning. I will post you later on the rest of my Spring Break adventures as they come to a close. :(
Tata for now!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!

-Carter Bob

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So it is about 145 and i am still up because i have to take notes for my biblical litrature class!!!! i love the class but i dont like the 20 pages of reading and note taking!!! it gets on my last nerve very easily!!! and the fact that it is ncaa tourney time too doesn't help the fact of the matter at all. I would take some notes get frusterated and then watch a lil ball and then take some notes and then watch some ball... so on and so forth!! the reason im on here now is cuz my brain hurts im thinking about going to bed for an hour or two and then getting up and trying to finish my notes. this is/has been a not so enjoyable experience! i had a 20 oz dr pepper at work and then had 3 cans of cherry coke when i got home. so yeah a lot of caffinee has been consumed tonight too!! ok well im going to bed and will get up in a few hours to finish my homework!! i hope this kind of situation never happens again but i can almost guarentee that it will!! ok till post u later! byebye and God Bless!!!!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my recent fav

well recently the hoss and i have been playing a lil game called AOE 2, Age Of Empires 2, it is a blast for you computer gamers out there! you build up your empire and you battle other empires and you collect resourses and create people weather they are townspeople or military! this game may sound lame but it is very addictive!!!! it is a great add to the computer game archive!! ok well ill post you all later!! ByeBye and God bless!!!!

-Carter Bob

Im Back

so it has been exactly one month since my last post and i have thought about it and well I am back!!!! :) oh yes I AM BACK!!!! :) so now that basketball and that stuff is over and work begins so well i have some time to blog about my thoughts and my other things i guess! :) so well it you have any ideas for things for me to do or anything just let me know!!! :) ok well ill post you all later!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!!

-Carter Bob

Monday, February 4, 2008


I wasn't rooting for one specific team last night in the Super Bowl but I guess I can give the Giants a little congratulations! The NFC prevailed this year!!! Watch out NFL... Chicago Bears Super Bowl Champs 2009!! When the Bears get a consistant Quarterback... like Kyle Ortan whom just happens to have a like a 13-5 record as a starter. So just a little heads up to all you AFC fans... WATCH OUT FOR DA BEARS!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Can anyone say... SNOW DAY!!! haha wow i feel like im in elementary school again!!! haha! :D oh well at least i dont have school! yay!!! basketball game tomorrow at Concord at 6:15... Be There!!! we need a good amount of people to support the team!!! STUDENT SECTION!!!!! fill that thing up!!!! trust me it gets the team pumped when you all show up!!!!!! ok well i hope you see you at the game!!! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!


Friday, January 25, 2008

Basketball vs. Warsaw

well at tonights game we played warsaw, my coaches old coaching job. so you kno he wanted this one bad! so i get in the game with like 2 or so minutes left in the 2nd quarter and i play a little and then my coach calls a time out. so im like ok we are gonna talk about defence. so i start to head over to the bench and all of a sudden i hear my coach just laying into me, just flat out screeming at me. he is yelling and people are looking at him and well probably at me too! I wasn't even really aware of what i did wrong. all i heard was yelling! he asks me if i want to play and i said yes i do. so we end up winning the game and so my coach is in a happier mood so i act like everything is ok but it truly wasn't even close. after the game i go and talk to Lori and she said she could hear him yelling at me clearly and she was sitting almost at the top of our gym. after the varsity won i went to the golden arches for some food. so i called my mom and let her know i was going there and she told me to call my dad cuz he wanted to talk to me so i did when i hung up with my mom. My dad told me that when my coach was yelling at me the people from warsaw were talking amongst themselves and my dad lives in warsaw and his neighbor plays basketball so his parents were there and they called my dad after the game and talked to him about the whole ordeal and said he, my coach, did the same thing to their son and he almost quit basketball. so my dad and i talked for awhile and i felt a little better. i forgive my coach for what he did, but i can guarentee i will never forget what he did! I will be praying for him so that maybe, if he knew he did something wrong, that he can forgive himself and become a better person from it! well i thank you for reading! i needed to get this off my chest! i will post yall later! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!!!

-Carter #40

Monday, January 21, 2008

Ummm Yeah!

So I sat down not too long ago to fill out the SAT sign up form and it is soooooo stinking!!!! oh my good ness!! it's like a billion questions long and I just got tired of answering questions about my high school career! ahhh i wish it was easier!!!! :) oh well!! here's a fun picture for you guys! haha ok ill talk to you all later! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!


Yes that is a Screw driver! :D

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well I woke up this morning to my mother screaming at me to look out the window. I did and well I saw smoke and I asked her what it was and to my suprise it was the Nappanee Movie Theatre, John's Butcher Shop, and some carpet store! What does this mean for the city of Nappanee? Maybe a new movie theatre, new butcher's shop? well we dont really need a new carpet store. Well this is just not been a good few months for Nappanee but we can make it through! Please pray for those who may have lost their houses above those buildings and the was a person who was taken away because they might have injuries! Please keep them in your prayers!!! I will talk to you all later! ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Final Day of Break :(

So school starts back up tomorrow and I am definitely not ready for it to come!!!! I had a great break but it seemed way too short!! The other thing is that I don't really wanna go back to the same classes; I'm ready for this tri-mester to be over!!! I can't wait till third tri! We continued the basketball season last week. JV got a nice win on Friday night against Wawasee, and trust me it was sweet! But the Varsity did do as well! There were 36 fouls committed by NorthWood and 5 people fouled out, 4 of our starters. So we have one more practice before we face Elkhart Central on Tuesday in Elkhart. So hopefully we can win out the rest of the season! That would be sweet!!!!!! OK well I should probably get going to church. I will catch you guys later!! byebye and God Bless!!!!!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello 2008

Well 2008 came in a rawring late last night/ early this morning! Pounding us with snow and cold. But despite the bad weather to start the year I feel that this is going to be a great year! I have made some new years resoultions and I plan to stick to them this year!

  • Not to be so hard on my self
  • Read my Bible more
  • Keep a consistant TAWG (Time Alone With God)
  • Actually being apart of something bigger than myself
  • Being an Even Nicer person
  • And just flat out Respecting people more

I truly feel that 2008 could be the best year of my life so far! I've got my Faith, I've got my Lady, and I've got my Friends! I can't possibly believe that this could be a bad year because it has all the makings of a great year!! But the thing I want to do the most this year is to become a HARD CORE Man of God!!! I want people to see me and know that there is something different about me! I want to be able to let His Word flow from my lips and just allow myself to be more open to sharing my faith! I want to meet with guys on a regular basis and have accountability meetings and have prayer time and such! I truly think that 2008 can be one of my BIGGEST Spiritual years yet!