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Friday, June 3, 2011

Reason for what?

Okay this may seem like an odd post...

When I go to enter my Time Alone With God (TAWG) I will take off my shoes. You may ask, "Why would you do such a thing Carter?" Well, when Moses was entering into the presence of the LORD with the Burning Bush, he took off his sandals. So shouldn't I do the same thing when I go to enter the presence of the LORD to have time alone with Him?

Now I am a huge Moses fan! I mean if he had a facebook page I would totally be friends with him! haha all joking aside, I really do admire the life of Moses. The dude was glowing after he came back from being in the presence of God... I mean that is stinking awesome!!! And who else has heard a burning bush talk to them while the bush doesn't get consumed? I don't know of anyone. What I am trying to get at here is that I look at a man like Moses and I see some things that he did and why shouldn't I model myself after areas of his life? I know he wasn't perfect, but who was besides Christ? yeah... no one...

Yes I do model myself after Christ, or at least try to, but there is something about people like Moses, Paul, Peter, Jeremiah, Abraham, Ruth, Timothy... if you just look at their lives and what they did and went through, you can see it was no mistake they were in the Bible for a reason. I am a Christ Follower and I model my life after Christ's life... I also, at the same time, look at other men and women, who follow God, and see how they lived and take away things to implement in my own life.

So yeah I suppose you may think it is weird that I take my shoes off before I go into TAWG... But I don't think it is weird. I will follow Christ until the end of time and I will do it in the best way that I know how! :) Thanks for letting me rant! haha God Bless!!!

-Carter Bob

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