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Monday, July 20, 2009

Attitude and Perspective

"Attitudes are self-created. You are free to choose to be victimized by circumstances or people, or you can choose to look at life with an open mind and be victorious. No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice of attitude gives you the power to be in control. That is the essence of true freedom."

-Ireane Dunlap

I was randomly looking at my "blogs" on myspace and I ran across this quote... it started to make me think. I wrote this one down in 2007. That was the year that God really grabbed my life! That was a year that I will not forget... And as I read this quote some things truly resonate:

  • Attitudes are self-created... in a sense, on the other had it can be an attitude that someone instills in you... ex. a coach
  • NO ONE can choose your attitude. Your attitude is depicted through the way you react.
  • Technically you can be in control if you take control of your attitude... but it isn't control over others it is control over yourself.
  • True Freedom is not defined by how you choose your attitude, the essence of True Freedom is given by only one Being and that is God.

This quote was taken from a Chicken Soup for the Kids Soul book...

The quote can help some kids with the way that they approach their own attitude and how they approach others attitudes but if examined more... that isn't truly how attitudes should be analyzed and treated.

My views on this whole situation are that...

Attitudes are a reflection of how your heart is feeling. If you heart is in a good mood, meaning if you feel all is well, then your attitude will reflect that and your attitude will be good. But if you are depressed or sad or angry your attitude will be not so good or may down right stink. Attitudes are also contagious... if you have a good attitude and are treating others will that will instill a positive attitude in the others.

So if attitudes are reflective... and they reflect how your heart is feeling... if Jesus Christ is the main focus of your heart and has total control over it... doesn't that mean you will reflect Christ?

Another point of our attitudes being contagious... if your attitude is that of a Christ like one, which would be beyond a great attitude, that is a contagious attitude... so if our attitude reflects Christ and our attitude is contagious... doesn't that mean that we should be spreading Christ without knowing it?

Think about it for awhile...

So our attitude is reflective and it's influential... And if we are living the life of a Radical Christ Follower... That means that God would be glorified in everything we do... whether it is breathing, eating, hanging out with friends, or sharing His love... he will be magnified!

If we let Satan get that little grasp on our attitude... to bring us down just a tiny bit... that means that God isn't being glorified in our everyday walk... so let Christ be magnified... turn the cheek when life gets hard... and turn it all over to Christ! because He will help us out of the storms! Our attitudes reflect our heart... our HEART OF CHRIST! We will stumble and fall... but that is the awesome thing about God... HE FORGIVES!! God is Love! God is all we need! God is our attitude! Let Him be Magnified!

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."
-1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

Like I said these are just my opinions on this situation and quotation... criticize me if you like but that is how i look at things... thanks for taking the time to read this!

God Bless!!

Carter Bob

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