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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thought Provoking Thursday: Church

Ok I'd like to start off by saying the Thursday's Thoughts are all just my opinions... So this is just how I see things and how things are acting out from my view... Ok now that that is out of the way, let us begin...

So in regards to Church these days, it kinda makes me mad... there is so much hurt and pain in the Church because some people think that they are better than others... but aren't we all sinners in God's eyes?

"for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" -Romans 3:23

So doesn't this mean that no one should be judge by others for any reason! For there is only ONE who Judges and ONE Judgement Day! This is one thing that really bothers me about the Church today.

They are what we will call "fake Christians" because they judge people on things that aren't righteous or immoral... but alot of them are ones who put on a mask and do things that are similar or worse... the "fake Christians" can turn alot of people off from church because they make it seem like following Christ is like following a ton of rules, by judging and being hypocritical, and if you slip you wont go to Heaven... but in reality EVERYONE has failed and EVERYONE will fail again! BUT, Christ has and will forgive you from your sins, and is more fixed on wanting a RELATIONSHIP with us than for us to follow the rules...

don't get me wrong! we must follow the rules but if we slip on one... we may ask for forgiveness and God's love for us is so immense!

Another thing that bothers me is during worship... when people are like "I don't like that song" or "The music is too loud for me to worship." TIME OUT!
Those statements right there, just made worship about the person and not about GOD!

Worshiping Christ doesn't just have to be on Sunday mornings at church or Wednesday Nights at church... Worship can occur at anytime, anywhere, and in any form...

Any form? you may ask.

What I mean by that is that Worshiping God, the ONE who sacrificed so much for us, the ONE who loves us, gives freely to us, provides for us, and watches over us, doesn't just have to be singing... you can worship God through art, reading/praying Scripture, writing about how Glorious He is! There are so many ways to truly WORSHIP God that you can make your own unique way of Worship.
The definition of Worship in verb tense is "To honor and love as a deity." or, "To regard with ardent or adoring esteem or devotion."

Nowhere in that definition does it say, "to sing my favorite worship song at the right volume with the right amount of guitar and drums." NO! Worship IS NOT about us! IT IS ALL ABOUT GOD! This is something that I think that we as a Church need to fix... how we Worship God, and make it completely about Him and get it all out of our heads that it is about us.


not us...

The last thing that I will talk about today in regards to Church is how we often misuse the word Church...

In today's world we say Church and most everyone will say something similar to "a religious place where Christians go on Sundays." is that really what a true Church is?

in Ephesians 4:15-16 it says "Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of the body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."

That scripture makes me stop and say wow! So it says that the body is the Church... and the body are those who are following after Christ and striving to be more like Him... so that means that Church is not a building but rather a body of believers who are wanting and urning to be more and more like Christ!! That right there is enough to get you thinking...

In Hebrews 10:25 it says "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."

This also gets me thinking as well... this verse is about fellowship and talks about how important it is to be around the Church, the body of believers. We are told to not neglect, cherish, our meetings together. This would be like meeting at a House of Worship, church, and learning and joining in fellowship... and this verse also goes back to the first thing that bothers me the fake people. We are to encourage one another! Who couldn't use a little encouragement every once in awhile? right? everyone could! so next time you see someone... encourage them! :) it makes God happy to see things like this occur! :)

so lets look at this in a condensed version:
  • Fake Christians
  • Selfish worship
  • Church

These are just three things that I feel strongly about... if you would like to hear more you can either leave me a comment and I will add another with more things... or you can email me and that is found on my contact me page...

thank you very much for taking time to read this! I really hope this made you think about what is going on in today's Church...

until next time! ByeBye and God Bless!!!

-Carter Bob

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