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Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today was a great day spiritually for me :) i started the day off by going to church and going to Keith and Rhonda's Sunday School class which is great people! :D and we talked about Abraham and Isaac and how Abraham was called by God to sacrifice his only son... and he was being obedient... he took his son up the mountain and then tied him to offer him as a burnt sacrifice but then an angel came and spoke saying that because he was obedient God would provide an animal to sacrifice and so they sacrificed a ram... this was a very powerful message in itself about obedience and trusting and relying on God!

Then Pastor Derry Prenkert continued the Uncharted Territory unit we are going through and this message was a big one for me! Derry talked about Preparation and Perspective. When he was talking about Preparation he asked a question... "What is He preparing me for?" and that was a big one... and when he talked about Perspective he asked another question and that one was.. "Will I seek His perspective?" and I sat and thought to myself... will I truly do that or will I just say I will... made me think!

Then when we responded in worship I felt, what I feel was the Holy Spirit, come into my body making me a little chilled and tingly... then I heard a still small voice say "Fast for a week before Rwanda" ... what does this mean I asked myself... This seemed huge to me because the longest I have ever fasted was a day... so this seemed almost insurmountable... I said ok but then i started thinking... wait, before Rwanda Night or before the missions trip to Rwanda... because Rwanda Night is on Feb. 18 and the trip is about the same time that I will be in Mexico for IMPACT... so I talked to Pastor Terry and we talked about it for awhile and he prayed for me... then I felt like I still needed to talk to Derry since his message today helped bring upon this burden... so I went and found him and he told me that we could talk after Hotel Rwanda tonight... so I went home

When I got home I had lunch and then I went and researched fasting for awhile and decided I should work on my Physics machine... then I worked on that for awhile until it was time for small groups...

For small groups we all, 11th and 12th grade small groups, went to the church and watched Hotel Rwanda... which is an incredibly moving, powerful, gut wrenching, insane, and great movie ( i will give it a review tomorrow on my movie page) ... this movie almost brought me to tears... if i would have been at home i would have cried... but it also got me thinking... and further increased the burden for the Country of Rwanda!! After the movie was over we got together with our small groups and talked about it and about Rwanda night... crazy stuff can happen!!! I'm excited!!!!! :D

After our small groups meeting I talked with Derry for awhile about fasting and Rwanda... Derry just has something about him that i just wanna strive to achieve someday and that is his passion to be a great Youth Pastor, Teacher, Student, Dad, and Servant of God!!! I admire Derry! But we talked and he is going to get me some stuff to read on fasting so I cant wait to read that... even though i hate to read :P but then he prayed for me and I went home...

on my way home I had the lyrics to the Lifehouse song Everything and they go like this...
"And how can I stand here with you And not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be Any better than this" those words just were stuck in my head on the way home so I came home and listen to that song and worked on my homework for awhile... then I got on here and am blogging this now :P

so yeah today was a very moving day for me... as well as a thinking day... it has forced me to think alot more than I do on a normal day... but I like when I have those days!!! well I still have to post the Rwanda Fact of the day and do my TAWG and its starting to get late... I have bible study or prayer group in the morning and I think we might do what we did last year for Kenya night and with whatever we buy... we put that much money into a pot for, what is now, Rwanda Night! I think its a great idea! well I should get going... but until next time... ByeBye and God Bless!!!!!! :)

-Carter Bob

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